

pws_douleuoume We believe in values such as communication, empowerment, cooperation, honesty, integrity and innovation. We reflect and apply these values in our interactions with individual stakeholders and our members.We provide a broad range of services and support to our members and we aim to ensure that they represent the views of the pharmaceutical industry in Greece.
The central role that the pharmaceutical industry has played in the past and continues to play in improving health, quality of life and productivity of the population, as well as its role in the Greek economy and employment, is often underestimated. We aim to ensure that this role is better understood and appreciated.
We maintain contacts with the state and the government, the academia and the media and have also developed extensive liaisons with healthcare providers, patient associations, education and training institutes, research boards and other professional organisations in the health sector.As an association, we work with our member companies and rely on the specialization and expertise of their staff for elaborating our views and communicating them to the state, public opinion and all stakeholders at both the domestic and the international level.We use the work of the SFEE Committees, in order to cover and formulate strategies and opinions on the important issues that concern the Pharmaceutical Industry and the Health Policy in Greece and strengthen the process of our consultations with the State.

There are eight (8) active committees in our Association:

  • Reimbursement, Chair Zachary Ragousis (President & Managing Director Pfizer Hellas)
  • Pricing, Chair Marios Kosmidis (General ManagerWinMedica)
  • Data Monitoring, Chair Pascal Apostolides (Managing Director AbbVie)
  • Growth and Financial, Chair Konstantinos Panagoulias (General ManagerVianκαιVice President Vianex)
  • Scientific and Regulatory, Chair Dimitris Anagnostakis (President & Managing Director Greece and Cyprus Boehringer Ingelheim)
  • Communication, Chair Stavros Theodorakis (President & Managing Director Chiesi)
  • Ethics and Transparency, Chair Michael Himonas (General Manager SFEE)
  • European Affairs, Chair Olympios Papadimitriou (General Manager Novo Nordisk)

The Committees are composed of executives of our member companies, but also of experts and other interested parties with knowledge and experience in our areas of interest.

These structures bring together staff from our member companies, experts and other stakeholders with knowledge and expertise in our areas of interest. This enables us to act in a comprehensive, fast, and sound manner in response to issues arising or on our own initiative.

Some of the areas of our work are the following:

  • Safeguarding the value of and access to medicines
  • Shaping of the current and future environment and relations between the pharmaceutical industry and the National Health System
  • Monitoring financial and reimbursement-related issues with a view to ensuring the viability of both the National Health System and pharmaceutical companies and improving the business and investment environment

Building trust in and reputation of the industry, by taking sound action on matters affecting the attitudes of society and of health professionals in the country

  • cooperation and alignment with international institutions and bodies;
  • improving the R&D environment in Greece;
  • development and implementation of a framework of transparency in the promotion of medicinal products, with various aspects.

SFEE adds value to its members through a number of initiatives and services, including by making information and other advantages available to them. The aim is to keep our member companies abreast of developments and up-to-date on current issues and on the dynamics of the pharmaceutical industry in Greece.

Among other things, SFEE:

  • integrates its member companies into a strong voice that resonates with the concerns of Greek patients, ensuring that this voice is heard by the government, the media and public opinion;
  • ensures that the pharmaceutical industry is recognized as a key sector of the national economy, by improving the access of pharmaceutical companies to decision-making and raising its public profile and by putting the industry’s issues high on the agenda.
  • is at the heart of policy- and decision-making as a strong proponent of improvement in the commercial, business and investment environment for its members;
  • is the only body which, in accordance with its Statutes, is recognized as a social partner of government in pricing negotiations on behalf of its members and non-members. In this context, we work hard for the unity of the industry and provide the best chance for a good result;
  • builds the reputation of the industry, promoting the value of medicines and taking targeted action on issues that affect the attitudes of society and health professionals towards our industry;
  • provides high-level networking opportunities within the industry as well as across the industry, the government, the National Health System and regulatory authorities;
  • keeps its members up-to-date on policy issues and current affairs, supporting their involvement at the highest level in all key issues.

We work in partnership with a number of institutions, organizations and bodies to achieve efficiency and transparency and promote vital issues for the pharmaceutical industry but also for Greek patients.
Ever since its establishment, SFEE has maintained a dialogue with the Health Ministry, the National Organisation for Medicines (EOF) and all relevant government agencies and public organisations. Moreover, as a member of EFPIA, we constantly monitor and keep pace with developments in EU regulation. Lastly, through the committees is has established, SFEE promotes dialogue and cooperation, combining the knowledge, experience and views of all stakeholders in the industry.

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