

“Career Day” event

Athens, March 28th, 2024.- The Postgraduate Programs of the Medical School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens “Development of new drugs: research, launch and access” and “Thoracic oncology: a modern clinical-laboratory approach and research” in collaboration with the Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE) are organizing the “Career Day” event, on Friday, April 5th, 2024 at 10am – 2pm at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Athens. The event will take place within the framework of the conference “Pathology Days”.

The “Career Day” will offer to more than sixty (60) postgraduate students of the above programs the opportunity to connect with the market, as they will meet and network with representatives of pharmaceutical member companies of SfEE, as well as medical groups. The students who will participate will have the opportunity to be informed about the prospects and dynamics of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as the trends and career prospects emerging in the field of healthcare.

The Professor of Medicine and Oncology at University of Athens, School of Medicine and Head of the “Sotiria” Oncology Unit., Mr. Konstantinos Syrigos stated: “It is a great pleasure for us to co-organize the Career Day with SfEE. The young people who will participate will have the unique opportunity to listen and discuss with senior executives of eleven (11) leading pharmaceutical companies, as well as three (3) medical groups and two (2) clinical trial centers and be informed about the professional opportunities offered in the field of Healthcare. Such networking between the business world and young people are extremely useful for both sides. We are thankful to SfEE for believing in and supporting this effort, which we hope will become an institution.”

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