GSK Greece:
GSK, one of the leading pharmaceutical companies globally that invest in research and development, aims at responding to society’s needs and at exceeding them where possible, by providing innovative medicines and vaccines of value to Greek patients and the National Healthcare System.
In Greece, GSK offers more than 50 original medicines for a number of diseases such as those of the respiratory system (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – COPD, asthma, allergic rhinitis), HIV/AIDS, rare diseases, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, epilepsy, migraine, Parkinson’s disease, depression, skin disorders, various types of infections and flu.
GSK also holds a leading position in the development of vaccines. In Greece, GSK offers 17 vaccines for the prevention of all diseases described in the National Immunization Program for children and adolescents. In 2015 GSK’s vaccines portfolio was further expanded with the addition of Novartis’ vaccines (except flu vaccines) as a result of a three part agreement between the two companies.
In addition, GSK’s contribution to the fight against HIV continues through the activities of ViiV, a company that was established in November 2009 through the partnership of GSK with Pfizer and was joined by Shionogi in 2012. ViiV is the only global pharmaceutical company whose research and business activities focus exclusively on the treatment of HIV.
ViiV aims at the discovery, production and supply of new and innovative medicines as well as the active support of communities affected by HIV.
In Greece ViiV’s product portfolio includes 9 medicines against HIV, while in parallel the company focuses on the development of new therapies through significant investment in R&D.
Access to Medicines:
- Access to Medicines Index
We have consistently come top of the Access to Medicines index, since its launch in 2008. The Access to Medicines Index is an independent barometer of pharmaceutical companies’ efforts to improve access to medicines and Health Care in developing countries.
- Widening access to our vaccines
We have committed to supplying two of our newest vaccines to developing countries through unique long-term supply partnership with groups like Gavi. This allows us to provide up to 132 million doses of our rotavirus vaccine, and up to 720 million doses of our pneumococcal vaccine, at a tenth of the prices in the developed world.
Accountability, transparency and ethics:
- We apply operating rules that support transparency and the proper functioning of procedures for the protection of patients.
- We publish annually the financial support we provide to each patient association, scientific society and hospitals.

Our Commitment:
There has never been a greater demand for better healthcare, and the pace of change in our industry has never been faster.
We commit to challenging established ways of working, being open to new thinking and willing to collaborate in new ways proving that we understand, and are responding to, the expectations that people rightly have of us and our industry.
If we do these things, we are one step closer to fulfilling our mission: to help people do more, feel better and live longer.
President & General Manager GSK Greece: Antonino Biroccio
Address: 266 Kifissias Avenue, 152 32, Halandri
- Telephone:+30 (210) 6882 100
- Fax:+30 (210) 6847 144, 6847 164
- Website: