The Hellenic Association of Pharmaceutical Companies (SFEE) represents one of the most innovative, productive and extroverted industries of the national economy, with 62 member companies, of which 17 are Greek and 45 international. The aim of the Hellenic Pharmaceutical Association is to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable healthcare system that promotes public health and allows pharmaceutical companies to innovate, research, develop and offer new innovative treatments and vaccines for Greek patients, while contributing to the development of the national economy.

Since 1982, SFEE has been working to promote positions that reflect the common interest of patients, pharmaceutical companies and their employees. It works continuously with the State, stakeholders, health professionals and patient representatives in order to jointly shape a sustainable National Health and Pharmaceutical Policy focusing on the patient, public health and employment. Since 1983, it has been a member of EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries & Associations), and in 2021 it became a member of IFPMA (International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations), the representative body of an organization representing pharmaceutical companies and associations worldwide.

Since January 1st, 2024, SFEE is a member of the European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE).

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Our vision is a healthier future for Greece. A future based on prevention, innovation, timely and unhindered access for Greek patients to innovative and established treatments that they need and the achievement of ever-better outcomes for patients. Our goal is to shape the Health and Pharmaceutical Policy in Greece, through the cooperation with all social partners – State, Universities, Organizations, Bodies and Media. We actively contribute to the development of the Greek economy and the strengthening of its competitiveness, while contributing to the modernization and ensuring the sustainability of the Health System, for a healthy and productive society.















Our mission is to represent our members and dynamically express the positions of the industry, ensuring that their voice is heard both at national and international level. At the same time, to inform our members in a timely manner about all trends and developments in the political news and in the pharmaceutical industry in Greece and the world. In addition, to safeguard the interests of our members by promoting the industry’s positions with the aim of enhancing the business and investment environment. Finally, to create opportunities for networking and collaboration with other member companies, state actors and regulatory authorities and to unite our members in order to provide a strong voice on behalf of Greek patients.

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1982 – 2022: 40 years of SFEE, 40 years of contribution and service

to the Greek patient
in society
in employment
in public health
in the economy
in development

Over the last forty (40) years, with its initiatives, proposals and interventions in the public debate, SFEE has emerged as an equal and reliable interlocutor of the State. Through the development and support of strong and evidence-based positions, it contributes decisively to the promotion of patient-centered Public Health. The basic conviction of SFEE is the adoption of a patient-centered policy, with respect for the human being and oriented towards the real needs of Greek citizens.


The promotion of public health, the creation of a patient-centered and sustainable health system, as well as ensuring patients’ immediate and unhindered access to established and new innovative treatments and medicines are our main strategic priorities.

In this context, we present a comprehensive action plan for a strong patient-centered National Health System, structured around 7 pillars:

Redefining Public Expenditure on Pharmaceuticals

Setting a pharmaceutical budget that meets the health needs of the population as a whole.

Increasing Efficiency

Improving the functionality of the health system and more efficient allocation of existing resources, using digital tools and controlling expenditure.

Revision of the Clawback Mechanism

Reviewing the clawback mechanism in order to act as an incentive to reduce excessive spending across the system, while maintaining the sustainability of the industry and the system as a whole.

Strengthening access to innovative treatments

The State must ensure affordable, equitable and timely access for the innovative treatments in the Greek market through an effective, dynamic and continuous Health Technology Assessment (HTA) process. SFEE has proposed the creation of an Innovation Fund, which will be able to finance these treatments, alongside their assessment.

Investment promotion

Creating a stable and predictable environment that allows for planning, facilitates growth and attracts more investment in both manufacturing and R&D (Research&Development).

Strengthening System Supervision and Utilization of Digital Capabilities

Create a clear governance structure for all organizations involved in the healthcare value chain in the country and use digital technologies to increase its overall performance.

Promoting Social and Ethical Responsibility

Cultivating a new mindset about the role of pharmaceutical companies in the Greek healthcare ecosystem requires active participation of pharmaceutical companies in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, ensuring ethical practices.

Here you can download the proposals of SFEE: DOWNLOAD PRESENTATION
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